What's F!rosh Week, anyways?
F!rosh Week for YOU will be an introduction to Engineering, the University, and the City of Toronto. Upper year students - leedurs - plan out a bunch of activities and events that they feel will be enjoyable and useful for you. It is simply the best time of your life, which you will cherish forever.
When you ask leedurs about F!rosh Week, the first word that comes out of their mouth is “awesome” followed by “-est time of the year”. If the leedurs enjoy it THIS much, F!rosh I guarantee that you will like it 10 times more than them!
F!rosh Week is about starting life away from home, meeting new friends, enjoying your first week of Engineering, and making the most out of your University life! Since you are coming to University of Toronto Engineering, you have the opportunity to attend the best F!rosh Week in Canada. I am not kidding here silly F!rosh, I really mean it – our F!rosh Week is actually the best one you can attend in Canada.